
Our club is located just outside of Sherwood Park, and within a short drive of Edmonton. If you live in the Edmonton and Sherwood Park area we offer the best location to do Archery. To visit our range you need to be a member to shoot, however feel free to drop by during scheduled events.

Our physical land address is:

22362 TWP RD 520 T8C 1E3

How close are we to you? Here are the approximate travel times to the Sherwood Park Archery Club from:


Sherwood Park or Ardrossan 14 to 15 minutes
New Sarepta or Beaumont 20 to 21 minutes
Leduc, Tofield, or Hay Lakes 28 to 29 minutes
St. Albert or Devon 36 minutes
Spruce Grove or Gibbons 38 to 39 minutes
Lamont, Morinville, Stony Plain, or Mundare 46 to 48 minutes


SPAC Trails Map for Outdoor Range