Category Archives: SPAC

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Cabela’s Spring Great Outdoors Event

Come visit us at the Cabela’s Spring Great Outdoor Event on March 15 & 16th! You will be able meet the people who run the club, ask questions, and find out what we’re all about! We will have membership forms available if you are interested in joining with all club fees 10% off! There will also be many other clubs and organizations attending. Cabela’s is sponsoring a chance to win an Outdoor Adventures shopping spree!



Jack Kempf Video

Jack Kempf has past his 80th birthday, but he has no plans to retire. Jack has been making custom traditional bows for decades from his home workshop. He is also one of the founding members of the Sherwood Park Archery Club!

Let’s Go Outdoors Feature

Check out our feature in Let’s Go Outdoors from the Sherwood Park Archery days we hosted in the summer:

More Let’s Go Outdoors can be found here

In summer 2013 the Sherwood Park Archery Club hosted Archery Days as a way to promote Archery in Strathcona County and Edmonton for beginners. And it was a huge success!  With recent movies and media coverage, archery has never been more popular in Alberta!