Category Archives: SPAC

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Club 3D and AGM – Saturday June 9

Our club is hosting a members only 3D shoot on Saturday June 9th at the outdoor range. The shoot will consits of 2 rounds of 3D targets; during lunch we will have out annual general meeting. The shoot is for members only and is free! For more information see the poster below or email us at

Club 3D Shoot & AGM

New Range Combination

On Saturday May 12, 2012 we will be changing our range combination. Please contact us or visit the archery lanes for the new combination; you can also come to the range between 10am and noon during the junior class to get the updated combination.

As well you can email with your name and membership number for the new combination.

Please remember that only people who hold a current 2012 Sherwood Park Archery Club membership can shoot at the outdoor range, if you do not have a current membership we can not give you the combination to the range.

Jack Kemph Traditional 3D Shoot June 16 and 17

The 2012 Jack Kemph Traditional Shoot is fast approaching. This year there will be 3 rounds of 3D targets set out. The first two will be shot on Saturday June 16, and the third will be shot on Sunday. Saturday at 6pm we are having a steak dinner in honour of Jack Kemph. This shoot will take place at our outdoor range, directions can be found here.

The cost for the event are as follows:

Adults: $40
Juniors: $30
Steak Dinner: $15

Jack Kemph Traditional 3D Shoot

***This event is only open to traditional shooters, no compound bows***
If you have any questions or would like to pre-register email us at