Note: The open house will run until 5pm, not 4pm as shown on the poster.
Category Archives: SPAC
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Letter To The Editor
On behalf of the Sherwood Park Archery Club, I am writing this letter in response to the “Archery range proposed” story posted in the News on September 22. After reading the story, our Club felt that is was important to remind Council and County Administration that our Archery Club has been serving archers of all ages and skill levels in this community for more than three decades. We built and maintain one of the best outdoor archery range facilities anywhere in Western and this range is accessible to members throughout the year. We also have an exclusive lease on an indoor archery range. This indoor range is available to our members 24 hours a day throughout the year. If you are an archer, or are interested in archery, or know someone else who is an archer that is looking for affordable and well developed indoor and outdoor shooting facilities, check out our Club’s website ( for details on our Club, facilities and programs .
The grand opening of our new indoor range will be held on October 17th (1:00PM to 5:00PM). A map to the new indoor range will be posted on our website. Discounted 2015 memberships will be available with the purchase of a 2016 membership at our open house. Those who buy a membership at this event will have immediate access to the new indoor range and to our outdoor range. No need to wait for an indoor archery range! We already have one for you!
Doug Bowes
President, SPAC
2015 Junior Program Registration – September 26
The 2015 Junior Program is open to anyone between the ages of 10 and 20. The program teaches new archers the fundamentals of archery and challenges experienced archers. The program runs on Saturday mornings between 9:30 to 10:30 and 11:00 to 12:00. The program costs $85 + applicable membership fees.
The Junior Program registration event will be held on September 26, 2015 between 10:00am and Noon. The registration will be held at the outdoor range
Due to high demand and limited space in the program we have set up an online pre-registration deposit. Submitting the online deposit reserves a spot in the program. You are still required to attend the registration event to complete registration. The deposit counts towards the registration fee for the program, however it is non-refundable.